Monday, May 2, 2011

E-Cigarettes, A Safer way to Smoke?

It seems like every time I sit down at the bus stop or any other public place there is someone there just puffing away on a cigarette. Nothing annoys me more than second hand smoke. I don't really care if it is unhealthy or not to breath second hand smoke I just don't like the smell. Needless to say I am big fan of those new smokeless e-cigarettes. The smoker gets their nicotine and I don't have to smell it. But is it any safer for the smoker? Common sense says yes. Since you are only inhaling vaporized nicotine there is no tobacco with all of its carcinogens. But you are still inhaling nicotine which could be a major a major health concern. The British Medical Journal says there is no conducive evidence either for or against e-cigarettes over the traditional ones. More studies must be done to prove that these are a truly healthier option. The guys trying to sell the new e-cigs may try to tell you that they are the exact same as the nicotine patch or gum except now you can retain the feel of smoking, but it is just not true. You are breathing in the nicotine so its delivery pathway is much different than that of the gum or patch which could lead to health problems more associated with smoking. But if any smoker out there really cared about their health they would stop smoking. So smokers there is no point yet in switching over to the new e-cigs for yourself just yet, but there are people all around you, like me, that wish you would. If you would like to be more well liked by the general population please switch to e-cigarettes.


  1. Being from Colorado, I think we have gotten used to not having to smell smoke in restaruants and bars. It is very nice and it is crazy to visit another state where they can still smoke inside. I think the e-cigarettes are not as cool as the regular ones. A guy I know gets constantly made fun of for using them. So I doubt they are appealing to anyone now, especially if they are no healthier for you

  2. Good Lord, I'm getting old. I had no idea such a thing existed. It's hard for me to believe that smokers would really like these, though. They just don't have the coolness/ritual factor. Seems like the gum would be easier.

  3. Actually these got really popular among celebrities like a year or two ago. I even have a roommate that has e-cigs and they make sense if you want to be able to smoke wherever you go regardless whether you're inside or not. Although there is an expensive up front cost for them, I'm sure if you're a smoker then you'll get value out of them in the long run.

  4. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your post this semester. Thanks and good luck
